Dvanajst strokovnjakov na področju e-cigaret napove prihodnost vejpanja v letu 2016.
http://www.ecigarettedirect.co.uk/ashtr ... tions.html
Članice EU imajo do maja 2016 čas, da direktivo EU o proizvodnji, predstavitvi in prodaji tobačnih in povezanih izdelkov iz leta 2014 prenesejo v nacionalno zakonodajo ...
... Podrobneje se bo urejalo tudi področje elektronskih cigaret ...
Ministrstvo je že začelo postopek prenosa direktive. Blažkova je poudarila, da bo zakonski predlog, ki ga bodo javnosti predstavili predvidoma jeseni, poleg naštetih vključeval še druge dokazano učinkovite ukrepe, ki jih že intenzivno proučujejo skupaj s preostalimi pristojnimi resorji.
zvery1 napisal/-a:Skrinja, na minus 20, ni za bat, da se pokvari. Sem se malo izobrazil, preden sem se lotil tega.
The Hungarian parliament accepted the law about vaping and e-cigarettes. The regulations will come in force on the 20th of may, next year, but the content is a bit different then what was expected.
The following rules will apply to vaping in public:
- No vaping allowed on public transport, enclosed spaces and governmental properties.
- Vaping in public is only allowed on spots where smoking is allowed (This basically means, that at a lot of public places vapers will have to use the designated smoking areas, so they will be exposed to second hand smoke)
The following rules apply for retailing e-cigs or liquids:
- No international shipping is allowed (Not even for personal use)
- No domestic shipping is allowed (Not even for personal use)
- Retailing will be legal for 'National Tabacconists' (Unprofessional, strictly controlled by government, the number is limited.
- Importing is only legal for one and only one company what is alos controlled by the government.
- Independent retailing will be completely illegal and people who do so can be sued for over 100000 pounds and possibly up to 2 years prison.
- Product availability is decided by the government.
Vape shops and webshops selling e-cigs have until May 20 next year to close their doors in Hungary.. And from that moment on, only the national tobacco-stores may sell vaping related products.. These shops are controlled by the government with shopkeepers who 'just sell' (don't expect help or information from them) and they only sell WHAT they want.. and for the PRICE they want to sell for, since they will be in entire monopoly. Import of said products is also illegal and customs will most likely catch packages of that nature, so people can't even purchase from international vendors. Furthermore vaping is banned in public and everything mentioned above also applies to nicotine-free juice and all accessories related to products that imitate smoking.
So... things aren't looking bright over there..
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