Izvajal profesor Thomas Eissenberg, zanimivo pa zato ker je v dveh raziskavah dobil popolnoma različne rezultate.

Prva raziskava, z bivšimi kadilci ki še nikoli niso uporabljali e-cig, z basic opremo, naročeno jim je bilo samo naj stvari uporabljajo kot so navajeni iz cigaret..)..skoraj nobene omembne vredne absorbpcije..!!
Rezutati :
"...the smokers started off with very low nicotine blood levels (around 2 ng/ml) and went up to around 17 and 20 ng/ml after smoking the usual cigarettes. However, when the smokers used 2 E-cigarettes their blood nicotine levels hardly budged, peaking at 3.5 ng/ml (i.e. not significantly different from before they used the E-cigarette or puffing on an unlit cigarette). Similarly, unlike smoking real cigarettes, the E-cigarettes did not affect heart rate and had a relatively small (but observable) effect of reducing craving for a smoke.
"What this suggests is that regardless of how much nicotine is supposed to be contained in the E-cigarette cartridge, almost none of it is transferred via the vapor and absorbed in the human body. As I have previously suggested, the E-cigarettes appear to be a good idea, with intuitive appeal, but ultimately have the status of a neat theatre prop which mimics rather well the appearance of smoking."
Druga raziskava; z izkušenimi vejperji z lastno, močnejšo in boljšo opremo..povsem drugačni rezultati, absorpcija nikotina povsem primerljiva z tistim iz cigarete.
Rezultati :
http://rodutobaccotruth.blogspot.si/201 ... liver.html
Torej je ta začetniški “learning curve”, obdobje privajanja na e-cig še kako pomembno za začetnike. Se mi zdi da je bil pri meni identično, začetno obdobje ko se mi je kljub vsemu ( 18mg. nic.) zdelo da mi primankuje tudi nikotina. In tudi mogoče razlaga zakaj je kasneje možno relativno lahko zmanjšat koncentracijo nikotina ( razen seveda da jo dobiš z večjo količino manj koncentrirane baze..)..namreč navadiš se boljše izkorist nikotin....